b'MOVING FORWARD TOGETHERment center programs are look- launched a $10 million fundraisingamong the partners who made ing to accommodate Industry 4.0campaign, $5.5 million of whicha significant contribution to-philosophy and the proliferation ofis earmarked for the workforceward the fundraising effort. As smart factories by developing newdevelopment center project. Undera result, Pellissippi State is nam-courses and revamping many exist- the guidance of the Pellissippi Stateing the facility in their honor. For ing ones. Foundation, the schools fundrais- Steve West, the impact of the The hope is that we can shortening arm, Pellissippi State took aworkforce development center the time it takes to earn those as- team approach in engaging vol- is immediate in helping a rapidly sociate degrees and certifications sounteers and developing strategiesgrowing industrial community that we can get students into thefor reaching out to local industriesmeet its staffing needs. However, workforce faster, Brahams says. and philanthropists. Businesseshe also sees how it will ultimately In fact, that same expeditiouslike Clayton Homes along withenhance the quality of life for approach was used in gettingprivate fundraising foundations,everyone in Blount County.the project itself off the ground.local governments and individualThe growth here in the last 20 Normally, an endeavor like this one,donors have helped Pellissippi Stateyears has been so great that more which would typically receive mostcomplete its goal. and more people are moving here of its funding from the state, mightWe have a deep appreciationand staying here, Mr. West says. be looking at a timeline of nearlyof and support for all our donorsThat doesnt just affect the com-20 years before coming to fruition.and partners, says Pellissippipanies they work for. It affects our Because of a three-way partnershipState Foundation Executive Direc- local retail sector and lets us have between Pellissippi State, TCAT andtor Aneisa Rolen. These peopleaccess to places like our hospi-the state, the contributions of theunderstand the value of a technicaltal and library and the Clayton two educational institutions helpededucation and how it is a pathwayCenter for the Arts. Economic shrink that timeline to a fraction ofto great careers and high wages. growth has been a big boost to what it might have been otherwise. Longtime businessman Steveour overall way of life.For its part, Pellissippi StateWest and his wife, Ruth, were Where the future takes shape.Arconic creates breakthrough products that shape industries. Working in close partnership with our customers, we solve complex engineering challenges to transform the way we y, drive, build and power. Through the ingenuity of our people and cutting-edge advanced manufacturing techniques, we deliver these products at a quality and eciency that ensure customer success and shareholder value.arconic.com|@arconic8 Basically Blount 2021'