b'BUILDING COMMUNITYOne MealAT A TIMEBy Sherri Gardner Howell Chef Chris and Sauls brought their own friends together to craft the Dining out in Blount County is usually personal.restaurants dcor, graphic design Whether its jawing with the politicians over a burgerand menu. They chose to invest in at Beckys Grill, warming up with a friend and a bowlMaryville, says Sauls, to give back of chili at The Soup Kitchen or catching up with theto a community that has always crowd while sharing pizza and beer at Bluetick Tavern,nurtured and been good to them.community ties get stronger over a meal. In our lifetime, food has con-Taylor Sauls and Chef Chris Thompson built theirsistently been a contributing factor business around just that concept, opening one ofto creating long-lasting bonds. Our Maryvilles newer restaurants last year. Even the name,food reflects this theme: simple Amici, means Friends. with a focus on quality ingredients The backbone of Amici has been and will alwaysthat can create lasting impres-be about relationships built over good food, sayssions, says Sauls.Sauls, who is general manager. The concept beganReception has been good for the with a few friends, and the dream grows with everyventure, which is housed in Five new one. Points area where Foothills Bakery operated previously.Amici Fried Calamari24 Basically Blount 2021 www.BlountPartnership.com 24'