b'Reading to Reach a Lofty GoalBy Sherri Gardner Howell chosen for their classroom. Eachnumbers and skits. Each child will teacher has a different country, sohave a passport that he or she Take note of elementary-agewhen the children share what theycan get stamped at each country children this winter and early springlearn about the customs, historythey visit and learn about from their seasons. Chances are, they have aand people with their classmates,classmates. At each country, there book in their hands. the knowledge learned multiplies. will be an activity to do. It will be a Maryville Christian School isThe teachers will pull in multiplelot of fun. exploring the world as part of theirdisciplines, from math to socialIts an important part of the winter/spring reading program. Thestudies to writing, explains Shil- school year, says the principal. private Christian school of approxi- lington. The students will learnReading is the foundation of ev-mately 330 students has developedabout the food, folk tales and cul- erything they learn. It teaches them a multi-level curriculum for the el- ture of their country through theirthe thought process, develops lan-ementary school that will immersereadings and classroom projects. guage, helps with vocabulary and them in reading, history and cultureParents and the community willwriting, assists with critical thinking of 13 different countries. be invited to be guest readers. Withskills and reasoningand, espe-Dawn Shillington is elementary13 classes and 150 students in thecially with a project like this, gives school principal. Beginning inelementary school group, reachingthem general knowledge.January, we will start our Read1,000 books is a hefty goal. A pre-school through 12th grade Across America and the WorldThe librarian worked with theschool, Maryville Christian School program, says Shillington. Theteachers and looked at the num- on Morganton Road was founded purpose is to have children excitedber of weeks, so we believe itsin 1994. The Upper school cur-about reading while learning aboutattainable, says Shillington, withrently has 180 students in grades other parts of the world. a laugh. Its a challenge, but weseven through 12. In addition to The schools 3-year-olds throughwanted to give them a goal theyPrincipal Shillington, the adminis-sixth graders will be reading bookswould be proud to reach. tration includes Kris Schottleutner, to try and meet the goal of 1,000The grand finale is always funhead administrator; Mike Thornton, books by the end of the schoolsfor the students and teachers.middle and high school principal; third quarter, which is end ofWhatever the theme, everyoneBen Pottorff, director of athletics; March. The concentration of thesealways talks about the grand finaleand Gregg Randolph, development books will include books aboutof the book project. Everyone getsdirector.whatever country their teacher hasinvolved, and there are musicalwww.MaryvilleChristianSchool.orgHandprints on their T-shirts make for a fun activity at Maryville Christian School.www.BlountPartnership.com 37'